Sep 18 2015

Welcome to Kini’s Place 2.0

Published by at 21:15 under Misc.

Essentially, I have decided to “start over” with my blog. I just spent several hours going through all of my nearly two thousand posts. I read them, marveled, smiled, shared with my girl, got really misty-eyed, and just generally enjoyed having that bit of history documented. Then, I moved them all out of here, tucking them safely away. Like a time capsule.

I don’t have a direction in mind other than writing and posting regularly again. I hadn’t posted since April of 2015. It’s been a while. Indeed.


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One response so far

One Response to “Welcome to Kini’s Place 2.0”

  1. Leanneon 25 Sep 2015 at 08:52

    Funny, I just started blogging again too. Welcome back to both of us! :)
    Leanne recently posted..The Swing Set